Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Kindness on a Humpday.

Something really cool happened to me today and I thought I would share it.

I decided to catch the shuttle bus uptown today so that I could run a few errands during lunch. As I was waiting on the bus an older gentleman approached with his wife. He sat down next to me on the steps while she stood in line. They proceeded to ask me a question about the shuttle and we made small talk for a sec before the bus pulled around the corner.

So we get on the bus and I end up sitting behind them, when I see the gentleman pull out a fold up map. It becomes obvious after a minute that they don't really know where they're going, so I ask if I can help. Now up to this point I just assumed they were here maybe visiting their grandkids at school or something (I work on a university campus). But they proceed to tell me that they've been in the university hospital for days and were basically taking advantage of the nice weather today to get out for awhile.

Me being me, I point out where we are on the map and then recommend a few places to eat in the neighborhood where the shuttle stops. And then I tell them where to get on the train to see some of the museums and such. They thank me and I don't think anything else of it...

As I'm getting off the bus, the gentleman hands me a business card. I read it and come to dead stop in the middle of the sidewalk. On the front:

And on the back:

When I turned back around the man and his wife were walking the opposite direction up the sidewalk, so I put the card in my wallet, and now I am sharing it here.

Hope you guys have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. LOL. @ the toad part.

    But that is great that you did that for them. That's what it's all about. Little gestures like that. We don't have to do huge things in order to be better people the littlest things can make someone's day.
