Friday, January 9, 2009

Item #137- Make a List of 100 Things to Do When You Are Bored/or on a Rainy Day

Ok... took me a while to make this list. It's actually a LOT harder than I thought it would be, but it is officially my first "achievement" of 2009. Yeah!!

This will come in very handy if you are in need of something to do or especially if you have kids (which is what kinda prompted me to start this in the first place).

Now the idea here is that everything on this list is free or fairly inexpensive, can be done indoors (if it's raining) and mostly kid friendly.

  • "redecorate" an old pair of jeans or shoes (fabric paint, markers, patches)
  • arrange a last minute pot luck
  • bake cookies
  • blog
  • blow bubbles--in the house
  • break out the ice cream and set up a build your own sundae bar
  • browse photo sites looking for great pics
  • build a card house
  • build a fort using the living room furniture and couch cushions
  • call a friend
  • call friends over and have a movie fest using movies you all already own
  • check the local college for classes (recreational or otherwise) you'd like to attend
  • check the local college for lectures you'd like to attend
  • check your credit
  • clean out your pantry and donate food to a food bank
  • cook something new from a recipe book
  • dance in the house
  • dance outside (if it's raining)
  • do a craft project
  • do a crossword puzzle
  • do a jigsaw puzzle
  • do a simple science experiment
  • draw
  • enter a bunch of online contests
  • find an event in the local paper and go
  • fingerpaint (if you have no fingerpaint use chocolate pudding)
  • fix yourself (or someone else) breakfast in bed
  • go through your books and either arrange a book trade with friends or box up books to sell or donate
  • go through your closet and get rid of stuff you no longer wear to donate to charity
  • go to a museum
  • go to church
  • have a dance contest (if you have kids or a husband/wife)
  • have a puppet show (make puppets using socks/ fabric and/or popsicles sticks)
  • have a tea party
  • have a water balloon fight (if it's raining it's fun because you're already wet)
  • have an indoor picnic
  • have an indoor scavenger hunt
  • if you live in a city with public transportation--ride the bus/train from one end to the other and back
  • play i spy
  • invent a new cocktail (have fun drinking all the "trials")
  • jump rope (indoors)
  • knit/sew something
  • learn random words from the dictionary
  • learn a bunch of new jokes
  • learn all the CORRECT words to 5 songs
  • learn something new (at random)
  • learn to juggle
  • learn to say basic words/phrases in another language (you can use BBC's webpage)
  • listen to music (specifically stuff maybe you haven't heard in awhile)
  • literally "sing in the rain"
  • look for a part time job
  • look for inspirational quotes
  • look up people you know including yourself on Google
  • make a collage
  • make a dream book
  • make a rubber band ball or a paperclip chain (in fact make a whole jewelery set out of paperclips)
  • make a video diary
  • make musical instruments out of household items
  • make pictures using macaroni and glue
  • make your own list of 100 things to do while bored
  • map all the places you've been and places you would like to travel to
  • meditate
  • memorize a poem
  • mute the tv and have fun "narrating" the scenes
  • organize your budget/finances
  • organize your photos
  • origami
  • pillow fight
  • play board games
  • play tourist in your hometown
  • practice writing, drawing, peeling a banana--with your feet
  • pull old clothes out of your closet and have a fashion show (with kids)
  • read a book
  • read a newspaper (try an out of state one)
  • rearrange or redecorate a room in your house
  • research your family tree
  • buy/sell something on ebay
  • start or work on a novel
  • start or work on a project that you've been putting off
  • sudoku
  • take a bubble bath
  • take silly pictures (wearing bad makeup or silly clothes)
  • take the MENSA test
  • think of things to add to the "things to do" list
  • try out one of your grandmother's recipes
  • video yourself reenacting scenes from your favorite movies (watch Be Kind. Rewind. you'll get the idea)
  • visit the library
  • visit the local nursing home
  • volunteer for something
  • wash your car
  • watch a movie (for more fun watch it with foreign subtitles)
  • watch a show you normally wouldn't watch
  • window shop at the mall
  • work on your resume
  • write a cover letter
  • write a letter (a real letter) to someone and send it
  • write a letter to your future self
  • write a poem
  • write a short story
  • yoga


  1. girl you actually came up with 100 things? you're a good one. my attention span is so short that after number 10, i would have just taken a nap and forgotten to finish.

  2. I got "bored" and took my own advice. LMAO. For real that bad boy took me a day and a half and I hijacked some stuff I liked from other lists.

    The other list will be harder and I'll probably never get it done...

    100 things that make you happy.

    I'll be lucky to get to 25 before I start repeating myself. lol

  3. I ain't doing this list!
    Congrats on that!

  4. Award is waiting for you over here:

    Come and check it out!!! Thank you for checking out my blog from time to time! :)
