Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Curse Broken (Off List... Sort of)

So, here's the deal. I have tried to see Nas no less than 6 times. Every time there's some sorta of snafu as it were. So last weekend I had tickets to Virgin Mobile Freefest... Yeah, Nas is on the bill. So I'm rusing to drive the hour and some change to the venue with a friend. His set is supposed to start at 4:40 (or so I think). At 4:30 we...are stuck in a massive traffic jam at the exit. :(

Not to worry though...

Silly me, got the times all wrong. Set started at 6:20. So We missed the first 15 mins of a set by Santigold (who I adore) and then... well... see for yourself...

By the way, I forgot my camera card so these were actually taken with my cellphone (thank goodness for technology).